Print Report of VAT and Investment Tax (NO)


Use this activity to view or print the Report of VAT and Investment Tax. This report provides information required to meet the reporting requirements of Norwegian tax authorities. This information is retrieved from IFS/General Ledger. The Norwegian investment tax is levied on the purchase of certain assets, e.g., machinery, vehicles, and office equipment, by VAT-registered companies.


This activity requires that a company exist. The company's country must be Norway. Customer and/or supplier invoices must have been entered and updated to the general ledger.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the Report of VAT and Investment Tax is either printed or displayed on the screen.


Order Report

Related Window Descriptions

Order Report


  1. In the Report list, click Report of VAT and Investment Tax.
  2. Select the company from the List of Values.
  3. Specify the range of vouchers to be included in the report.
  4. Link the appropriate tax codes and accounts to the tax reporting categories to be included in the report.
  5. Specify whether the report is preliminary or definitive.
  6. Enter the settlement date.
  7. Click OK. The Print Report dialog box appears.
  8. Click OK to print the report, or click Preview to view it on the screen.
  9. If desired, perform a balance analysis to reconcile with amounts in this report with the general-ledger balances included in the Report of VAT and Investment Transactions.