Generate Expenses for Credit Card Transactions


This activity is used to register credit card transactions as expenses by automatically generating the expenses. That is, the default expense code connected to the credit card transaction will be used to register the expense records.

Note: All the credit card transactions of the employee available in the Expense Sheet/Credit Card tab (which are configured to be balanced with the expense sheet in full) will be included in this automatic expense generation.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an expense will be created for each credit card transaction (with the specified prerequisites) listed in the Expense Sheet/Expenses tab . Also, the Credit Card check box will be selected for the registered expense.


Expense Sheet

Related Window Descriptions

Expense Sheet


  1. Open the Expense Sheet window.
  2. Search or populate to select the expense sheet you require.
  3. Go to the Credit Card tab. All the credit card transactions of the employee within the travel period of the expense sheet will be listed in this tab. Right-click and click Show All. Now, all the credit card transactions of the employee regardless of the travel period of the expense sheet will be listed in the tab.
  4. Right-click and click Generate Expenses.