Authorize Payment


This activity is used to authorize payment transactions. This is normally done by the supervisor. You can authorize requested transactions as well as transactions with Correction status. Transactions with Correction status are copies of cancelled transactions which have been rejected for payment.

It is not possible to change the employee ID, currency code, currency rate, amount or any connected expense ID after a transaction is authorized. Transactions which are not authorized can be modified and removed.


In order to perform this activity, payment transactions with Requested status and/or Correction status are required to exist in the Employee Payments window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, transactions in Requested status will be changed to Authorized status and transactions with Correction status will be changed to CorrectionAuth status.


Employee Payments

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Payments


  1. Open the Employee Payments window and query or populate to find the required transactions.
  2. Select the transactions that you want to authorize.
  3. Right click and click Authorize.