Approve Expense Details


This activity is used to approve expense details (individual expense lines) registered for a requested expense option. Approving a request option is the second stage of the expense request approval process.

According to the approval setup in the Travel Request Approval Configuration window, an expense details registered for a request option may require approval by multiple persons. Also, in each of these levels, one or many persons may be required to grant approval according to the approval setup:


In order to perform this activity, a travel request with an expense option in Pending Detail Approval state is required in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Travel Requests for Approval

Related Window Descriptions

Travel Requests for Approval


  1. Open the Travel Requests for Approval window.
  2. Search or populate to find the required expense option. Note that you will only be able to view the details which you are allowed to approve.
  3. Select the expense line which you want to approve.
  4. Right-click and click Approve. The status of the expense option will change to Approved.