Equipment Object Tree Views

An equipment object tree view is a configurable view of a single equipment object or collection of equipment objects and related entities in a tree-like structure.

If a tree view is created from the Business Object Explorer for the equipment objects plug-in, equipment objects become the main business object in that tree view and configurations can be set to display required equipment objects. For example all equipment objects that are In Operation and that do not have a parent but have children.

If relationships exist between the main business object, equipments, and another business object type, settings can be made to display the related business objects as required in the same tree view. For example, a tree view created mainly for equipment objects could have connected documents, for which settings could be made on the tab for the documents to show only the connected documents that have been Approved.

Once an equipment tree view has been created it can be viewed by expanding the Explore Equipment Objects node. Equipment objects in the tree view are named using the object ID and description of the equipment objects.   

Configuring an Equipment Object Tree View

When configuring equipment object tree views, the first step is to determine whether the tree view should display all equipment objects without parents but have children or a particular equipment object.

It is also possible to narrow down the objects to be displayed in the tree view by defining a site for which objects will be displayed. If a specific site is not entered, the tree view will display all existing sites allowed for the logged on user. Additionally, filters can be set on the equipment object tree view to include or exclude equipment objects depending on the operational status of the equipment object in IFS/Equipment and the design status of the corresponding object in IFS/Plant Design. For such configurations of tree views, it is possible to set if the tree view needs to hide objects that do not satisfy the filter conditions or display these objects in gray. This can be achieved by enforcing or exempting the Display Objects in Conflict with Filter setting. For example a tree view could be made to display only equipment objects with the Out of Operation operational status. If the Display Objects in Conflict with Filter setting was imposed on the former tree view, equipment objects other than those having the Out of Operation operational status, will be displayed as grayed objects in the tree view.

The combinations of settings for equipment object tree views are numerous but the following are a few examples of configurations that can be made:

An equipment object tree view for an equipment object as the top object is as follows:


Additional information records that appear beneath an equipment object in the tree view such as related documents or design objects will be included in a folder called More Information. This folder is hidden by default. To directly view additional information beneath the equipment object, the Show More Information folder setting needs to be enforced on the tree view settings or the Show More Information setting can be enforced via the right mouse button option on an equipment object.