Register Employee Competency


This activity is used to specify the competency profile for an employee. The competencies of an employee are registered by rating the competency level of the employee for each selected competency element.


System Effects

There are no system effects.


Employee Competency Assessment

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Competency Assessment


Register competencies in employee files;

  1. Open the Employee window and select an employee to register competency information.
  2. Select the Employee/Qualifications/Competencies tab and click New.
  3. In the Competency Group and Competency Element Name fields, select the competency group and competency element that you want to register from the lists.
  4. Specify the competency level by selecting a value from the list in the Competency Level field.
  5. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, specify the valid period of the competency information for the employee. Note: The effective duration of the competency element as specified in the Elements window will determine the default validity end date. The system date will be the default validity start date.

    To copy competencies from other employee or job requirement;
  6. Right-click and click Copy from Other Employee Competency to select the competencies from another employee.
  7. Right-click and click Copy from Primary Job Competency Requirement to copy the competencies linked to employee's primary job assignment.
  8. Right-click and click Copy from Primary and Non-Primary Job Competency Requirement to copy competencies linked to all of employee's job assignments.
  9. Save the information.

Register competencies for employees in Employee Competency Assessment window;

  1. Open the Employee Competency Assessment window.
  2. Select New and specify the employee in the Emp ID field. The organization and job information of the entered employee will be automatically entered in the respective fields.
  3. Enter the competency information for the employee as described for employee files in the previous procedure.
  4. Save the information.