Assign General Criteria for Employee Evaluation


This activity is used to assign performance criteria to employees which can be used to conduct a general evaluation of employees. That is, such criteria is used for non objective based performance evaluation. However, you can evaluate the performance of an employee using a general criteria in relation to objectives already assigned to the employee.

E.g. 'Team Work' is a general criterion (non objective based) and 'Achieving 50% of Sales Target' is an objective already assigned to the employee. You can evaluate the employee's team work as a general quality in the employee, or you can evaluate the same according to the employee's performance for the specified objective.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

There are no system effects.


General Performance Evaluation

Related Window Descriptions

General Performance Evaluation


Perform the following procedure in order to assign general evaluation criteria for the employee:

  1. Open the General Performance Evaluation window.
  2. Search or populate to find the employee for whom you want assign general criteria for evaluation.
  3. In the Performance Period field, specify the period for which the employee's general performance is evaluated. Select a value using the list.
  4. Create a new record to register a performance criterion.
  5. Enter a criterion value in the Performance Criterion field.
  6. Specify the area of performance that will be evaluated in the Performance Area field.
  7. In the Weight field, specify the weight or importance given to the performance criterion during the employee's evaluation.
  8. Save the information.

    If you want to evaluate the employee performance for a general criterion in relation to an employee objective:
  9. Select a performance criterion assigned to the employee in the upper pane of the window.
  10. Create a new record in the bottom pane of the window to connect an objective to the selected criterion.
  11. Enter an objective ID in the relevant window. You can select a value using the list. Note that you can only select objectives which are already assigned to the employee.
  12. Repeat the steps to connect more objectives to a performance criterion.
  13. Save the information.