Relocate Employee to Other Organization Unit


This activity is used to change employee's current organization, position or job assignment.
Note: This assistant works only for primary assignments.


In order to perform this activity, as a user, you must have access to the new position.

System Effects

The employee will be reassigned.


Change Organization and Job Assignment

Related Window Descriptions

Change Organization and Job Assignment


  1. Open the Change Organization and Job Assignment window.
  2. In the Company ID field, select a company to which a relevant employee belongs. Your default company will be automatically entered in the field, but it can be changed. You can use the list of values.
  3. In the Emp ID field, enter the identifier (ID) of a relevant employee. You can use the list of values.
  4. Under Select what to do, select what action the assistant should perform.
    Select Set job information only to make changes only to Employee's job. Skip to step 12
    Select Set the new position as secondary to create a new secondary position.
    Select Set the new position as primary, to create a new primary position.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Organization Code field, enter the identifier (ID) of a new organization unit to which the employee should belong. You can use the list of values.
  7. In the Position ID field, enter the identifier (ID) of a new employee position.
  8. In the Access Role field, enter the Self-Access role that the employee will have in the new organization unit. You can use the list of values.
    Note: Only Self-Access roles can be selected, and are active only for the selected organization unit.
  9. In the Assignment Type field, you can enter the assignment type that the employee will have, e.g., Full Time, Part Time 25%, Part Time 50%. You can use the list of values.
  10. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, enter the validity period of the entire new assignment (all fields under the Enter New Position Data and Validity Dates area).
  11. If you selected the Set the new position as primary option in step 4, you will have to fill the End Date field.
    There can be no 2 primary positions in the system, so if you have an employee that needs his previous primary position for some time, you can use this field to create a necessary overlap.  You can enter the date until when the old position should be active.
  12. Data under the Enter New Job Data and Validity Dates are optional.
  13. In the Job ID field, you can select a new job identifier for the employee.
  14. In the Job Grade field, you can enter the relevant grade of the job.
  15. In the Valid From and Valid To fields, you can specify the validity period for the job.
  16. Click Finish, to save your changes.