Register Employee Multi Fields


This activity is used to register property information using property codes with multiple fields. You can use the Employee/Employment/Multi Field tab or the Employee Additional Information/Multi Field tab to register this information.


System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Employee/Employment/Multi Field
Employee Additional Information/Multi Field

Related Window Descriptions

Employee/Employment/Multi Field
Employee Additional Information/Multi Field 


Register property field information using employee files;

  1. Open the Employee/Employment/Multi Field tab.
  2. Create a new record and enter a code in the Property Code field by using the List of Values. The property description and the context (Employee or Person) will be displayed in their respective fields.
  3. Create a new row in the table of the window and enter values in the relevant property fields by using the List of Values. If LoV validation is not mandatory as specified when defining the property field in the Multiple Field Definition window, you can manually enter values in the property fields without using the List of Values.
  4. Specify the valid period for the property fields by entering dates in the Valid From and Valid To fields.  

Overview and register new employee property field information using Employee Additional Information/Multi Field tab;

  1. Open the Employee Additional Information/Multi Field tab.
  2. In the header, query or populate to find property codes with multiple fields. The selected property code will be displayed in the Property Code field.
  3. In the table of the window, the employees for whom the property code is registered and the values given for each field defined for the property is displayed.
  4. You can query to find a specific employee.
  5. If you want to register property information for an employee, create a new row in the table of the tab.
  6. You can enter the employee ID in the Emp ID field and specify values in the relevant property fields. If LoV validation is not mandatory as specified when defining the property field in the Multiple Field Definition window, you can manually enter values in the property fields without using the List of Values.
  7. Specify the valid period for the property fields by entering dates in the Valid From and Valid To fields.