Employee Selection Template

Employee selection templates can be used in various business processes to select a large group of employees. Each time a template is used, the application finds all employees who meet the template selection criteria. The resulting employee list is generated dynamically whenever a template is used, so the result is always up to date.

Employee selection templates are created in the Employee Selection Template window. To learn more about how the window functions and how templates are created, go to the Employee Selection Template window description.

Selection Criteria

Some examples of criteria on which selection can be based:

Advanced users can also write SQL code to create a specific employee filter directly from the application's window.

You can also define criteria that exclude employees from the selection. For example, you can create a template that fetches all employees from the car production line (by using an organization code) but excludes all welders who work there (by excluding employees who hold "WELDER" position).

Uses in the IFS Application

Some examples of where templates can be used: