Propagate CAMRO Interim Order Dates Upstream


This activity is used when the supply date of an MRO interim order header, or some repair or assembly order within that structure, has changed, to propagate the effects of that change through all the start and supply dates for the repair and assembly orders upstream (i.e., to all the repair and assembly orders prior to this point) in the order structure. The start and supply dates are calculated using the lead times specified for the parts.

Note: propagating dates upstream only impacts repair and assembly orders below the point of propagation. Disassembly and disposition orders are unaffected.

If this activity is initiated from the interim order header, dates will be calculated starting with the top-level assembly order and ending with the lowest-level repair or assembly order. You can only propagate the dates from the interim order header if the interim orders have not yet been been released (i.e., while the header is in state Created). However, even after the interim orders have been released, the same result can be accomplished by propagating upstream from the top assembly order.

On the other hand, if this activity is initiated from a specific repair or assembly interim order in the Tree Structure tab, the dates are calculated starting from that level and above in the interim order structure.


The interim order header or interim order from which dates are being propagated cannot be in Canceled or Closed state.

System Effects

The start and supply dates for all repair and assembly orders below the point of propagation are re-calculated from the new start date based on the part lead times.


CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

CAMRO Interim Order Structure


In the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window, if propagating dates from the interim order header, use the following steps.

  1. From the Interim Header ID list, select the interim order structure for which you wish to propagate dates upstream.
  2. Verify that the state of this interim order header is not Canceled or Closed.
  3. Right-click and then click Propagate Dates Upstream to propagate the calculation of dates upstream through the order structure.

If propagating dates from a specific repair or assembly interim order upwards, use the following steps.

  1. Open the Tree Structure tab and then, in the Assembly tab, select the repair or assembly interim order from which you want to propagate the calculation of dates upstream.
  2. Verify that the state of the assembly interim order is not Canceled or Closed.
  3. Right-click and then click Propagate Dates Upstream to propagate the calculation of dates upstream through the order structure.