Release Work Scope


Use this activity to release the work scope for an overhaul object (work order part) and create interim order structures. During the release process, the work scope will be validated against maintenance level structures and routing. Any deviation will generate a message displayed as log details. 

The messages in log details are listed in three severity levels, Error, Warnings, and Informational message. Warnings and informational messages are for you to correct at your convenience. Errors are problems found during validations which affect the creation of interim orders. The log details are displayed in the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Log Details sub tab. 

Error messages are generated when:

Warning messages are generated when:

Informational messages are generated when:

If an error message appears, then the work scope is failed to be released. You need to review the error log details and take corrective actions. If no errors are generated then an interim header with interim order structures is created. To view interim order created by work scope release process, right-click anywhere in the header and then click Interim Order structure.

After work scope is released to create interim order structure with interim order header in Created status or interim order header in Partially released or Released status; and maintenance level for work order part or sub-assembly is changed then original work scope is changed. The change in work scope can happen due to following reasons:

The work scope is released after changing maintenance levels on work order part or sub-assemblies using this activity. The change is affected in two ways to an existing interim order structure.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, if there are no errors, the program creates an interim order structure. If there are errors generated, work scope is failed to be released, error message logs are created.  Whether there are errors or not, any informational and warning messages that are found will be generated in log details.


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Work Scope Tasks
Define Work Scope/Vim Serial Structure
Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Base Line
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Assign Maintenance Level 
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Task Details 
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Summary
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Log Details


  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. Select the work order number for your work order part by populating (F2) or by making a selective query (F3).
  3. Click the Define Work Scope tab.
  4. Verify the assigned maintenance levels in Maintenance Level Summary sub tab.
  5. Right click anywhere in the header and then click Release Work Scope.
  6. If no error message appears, the work scope will be released and an interim order structure will be created.
  7. If an error message appears, verify error messages in the Log Details sub tab and take corrective action. Error type messages have to be corrected before the work scope can be released. Right click anywhere in the detail table and then click the available menu to jump to the source of the problems that have to be corrected.
  8. Release the work scope again if necessary.