Create and Maintain Maintenance Level Baseline


Use this activity to define all the maintenance levels the customer wants performed by default, for every visit of serials with the a part number and site combination. All the required subassembly parts will be automatically included when all the maintenance level data for all sites is performed. The maintenance level baseline defines the typical breakdown the customer requires for a part. This should be revised whenever default maintenance requirements change for the part or for the customer.


System Effects


Shop Visit

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Visit/Visit Defaults/Maintenance Level Baseline 
Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Baseline


  1. Select a customer.
  2. Enter the part number and part revision.
  3. Right-click and then click Create Maintenance Level For All Sites.  
  4. For each site, set the desired default maintenance level for a part.  It is not necessary to set a maintenance level for each part.
  5. Save the record.