[IFS/BA End User Help Guide]

View Published Report


This activity is used to view a published report.


In order to access a published report you must be an authenticated user.

System Effects


Related Process Model

Order Reports

Related Activity



To order a report through the End User mode:

  1. Click Order Report.
  2. Select a report from the Published Reports dialog box.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The report will open in executed mode.
  5. You will have to enter parameter values if a report has been designed to use parameters.

To order a IFS Business Analytics report through Info Services:

  1. Login to IFS Applications
  2. Open the Order Reports window.
  3. Select a IFS Business Analytics report from the Report list.
  4. Click OK. You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to view the executed report.
  5. Click Yes. The report you selected will now open through Microsoft Excel  .
  6. If you wish to make any modifications to the selected file, click Login to login to the designer mode.
  7. Make the necessary changes and click Save. This will overwrite the existing report design.

Note: Even though the existing design file is overwritten by the new design changes, the previous report design will be available in Info Services/Report Archive. If you need to recall the previous design, then:

  1. Open the Report Archive window.
  2. Select the report you want to view.
  3. Right-click and click on Show with Microsoft Excel option. The report you selected will open through Microsoft Excel.