[IFS/BA End User Help Guide]

Perform Writeback


This activity is used to write back information back in to IFS Applications or to a text file. You can either perform a Complete Writeback or a Modified Writeback. Complete Writeback will collect all data to be written back regardless of whether it has been modified or not. Modified Writeback will only collect data that has been changed. You can select the items that you wish to writeback to IFS Applications or to a CSV file from the data items that are collected for writeback. Zero and null values will be included or excluded and the database values of the writeback items will be available for comparison with new values depending on the writeback options selected in the design. Writeback could only be performed on reports that have been designed to support the Writeback functionality.


Make sure to select a report where Writeback has been applied in the report design.

Set the required writeback settings and options in designer mode as preferred.

System Effects

Writing information back to IFS Applications will alter the related data in IFS Applications immediately. Writing information to a file makes it possible to import the data to IFS Applications at a later stage.

Related Process Model

Analyze Report

Related Activity

Analyze Report


To perform a complete writeback

  1. Change the output of some of the figures in the report.
  2. Click Writeback.
  3. Click Collect Data Sets. All figures are collected to the Writeback pane. Null/ Zero Values can be excluded depending on the writeback options selected.
    Note: The Status filed, Group Message field and Set Message field will be empty at this point.
  4. Use the original value columns and current value columns for writeback values in the Writeback pane if you want to compare the new values with original database values before writing them back.

    Note: Original value columns will be available only if the Allow Comparison with Database Values option is selected when designing the report.

  5. Select All Writeback Data check box in the Writeback pane will be selected by default. Clear/select the corresponding check boxes for each collected writeback item in order to specify which of the collected items should be written back to the database.
  6. Click Collective Writeback. At this point you will see the fields Status, Group Message and Set Message having messages displayed in them. If the Collective Writeback process was successful the icon for each row will become green and the following messages will be displayed:
    Status: Processed.
    Group Message: Write back ready. Transactions in all data sets have been successfully processed.
    Set Message: Process of data set 0 OK. All budget templates in that set successfully processed.

    Note: The Keys area will be populated with relevant data once a field item is selected. Fields selected as Mandatory require a valid value to ensure an error free writeback. Any value that can be derived from the design will be shown. If no value exists for a mandatory field it is possible to add filter criteria or to give the value directly in Value field. Once all mandatory fields have values writeback will be enabled.

To perform a partial writeback

  1. Change the data in the writeback enabled report.
  2. Click Writeback.
  3. Click Collect Modified Data Sets to collect the figures which have been modified in to the Writeback pane.
  4. Compare new writeback values with original database values using original and current value columns and select the items to be written back to the database using the Select check box.
  5. Click Collective Writeback. This will save the modified figures back in to IFS Applications.

To Insert values for Writeback

Prerequisites: Select Enable Insert of New Values for Writeback check box in design mode for the required repeater level.

  1. Select a row or column where the values need to be inserted for the writeback.
  2. Right-click and select Insert New Row/Column for BA Writeback.
  3. Select values from the list of values, for each field in the Insert New Values for Writeback window.
    Note: Fields in this window will dynamically change according to the writeback design and the selected repeater level.
  4. Report will be re-executed and the rows and columns will be inserted.
  5. Change the data necessarily as the user expectation and perform a complete or partial writeback.

To export to a CSV file:

  1. Change the figures in the writeback enabled report.
  2. Click Writeback
  3. Click Collect Modified Data Sets or Collect Data Sets.
  4. Click Export to File and save the CSV file giving a name. The CSV file can be used to upload the writeback information to IFS Applications at a later time.