[IFS/BA End User Help Guide]

Activity Overview

This document provides you a brief overview for each activity that can be performed in the end user mode:


This is used to login to IFS Business Analytics. If you have already logged into the application Login will be disabled. Login will be enabled if you order a report through IFS Info Services. In this instance, selecting Login will allow you to login to IFS Business Analytics and modify or further design the ordered report. If you do not have rights to login to the designer mode, then you will be logged in to the end user mode by default.

Order Reports

All the reports which have been published using IFS Business Analytics are shown in the Published Reports dialog box. You can use Order Report to open a published report available in this dialog box in executed mode. The report will open in a separate Microsoft Excel sheet.
Report has been published for BA Access Only can be executed by the designer via this activity. These reports can be used to analyze performance using BA Execution Parameters in Solution Manager in the IFS EE client, before publishing to view the report from IFS Info Services. (Link to Related Foundation Documents)

Load Report from Database

All saved and published reports can be loaded to IFS Business Analytics using this activity.

Report Book

Report book comprises of Home, View Parameters, Writeback, Options and View Used Information Source Types.


Click Home to access help on End User mode functions and version information about IFS Business Analytics. It also displays your logged in user name and the environment you are currently logged on to.

View Parameters

The parameters and the parameter values that has been applied to a report can be viewed using View Parameters.

Export to Excel Report

Click Export to Excel Report to export the executed BA report to an Excel report. The BA report can also be saved on the local disk and/or in the BA export archive during the process.

Import from Excel Report

Click Import from Excel Report to import external data from an Excel report in to the BA report. Data can be imported only to the writeback enabled cells.


Click Writeback to view all the data sets which have been used to perform a collective writeback.


This is used to change parameters relating to Logon Options, Debug Options, Translation Options Save Options.


Click Execute in order to execute a report that contains the latest available information. At the point of execution a dialog box may pop up prompting you to enter parameter values to be used for the report if the report being executed uses parameters. In such an instance select the related parameter values as appropriate from the List of Values and continue. The Execute option can be disabled by the designer at the time of designing the report.

View Used Information Source Types

The source types selected for a IFS Business Analytics report, Online or Data Mart, can be viewed using this feature. Refer About Report Book for more details.