[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]


Click Options to toggle between Select Information Sources and Refresh Information Sources options. You can use these options to enable or disable features in the IFS Business Analytics pane. This feature can also be used to enable or disable dialog boxes in the application.

Option Components

Logon Options

Use this to display the Logon dialog box at startup. When this option is not selected this dialog box will not appear and you will be logged in using the information which you used to login in the most recent session used.

Cache Options

Use this to display the Cache dialog box at the point of executing a report. From this dialog box you can specify whether to use cache data or fresh data in the executed report.

Execution Options

If the Disable Execute in End User Mode check box is selected, it indicates that a report cannot be manually executed by an end user. End users can execute IFS Business Analytics reports via scheduling or ordering using Info Services.

If the Optimize Report Expansion check box is selected, it indicates that the expansion of a report is carried out at a relatively high speed. This is useful for reports with a high volume of data to be expanded.

Enable Debug Console

Use this to enable the debug console. Debug console contains log messages and buffer content which will be helpful when debugging/troubleshooting application errors. There are also options to include Request/Response information and/or Data Set Information in the debug console.

Translation Options

Use this to setup the term cache. This will make sure latest term attributes are used and field labels are displayed according to latest terms.

Save Publish Options

Remove BA functionality when using BA Execution Server

Use this option to save an executed BA report in standard MS Excel file format when using the BA Execution Server. This option is only available for BA reports ordered or scheduled through IFS reporting. When the executed report is viewed from the Report Archive it will open up as a MS Excel worksheet which will not require IFS Business Analytics.

Convert to PDF when ordered through Info Services

If a report is published with this option selected, it will open as a PDF report when ordered through IFS Reporting.

Writeback Settings

Use this to specify which writeback method should be allowed in the end user mode, Complete Writeback or Modified Writeback.

Writeback Options

This will specify whether zero and/or null values should be written back to IFS Applications when using writeback in the end user mode. By selecting the Allow Writeback Value Comparison check box, you can enable the comparison of modified values with database values.

Display Options

Use the Treat Null as Zero check box to display null values as zero when the report is executed. If the report has been designed with this option selected, then the executed report will replace all null values with zero.