[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

Apply Parameters


This activity is used to select or enter values which are used to filter the information shown in a report when being processed. This filtering can be done using the Filter Criteria tab where you can select the parameter values using the List of Values.


In order to assign parameters:

System Effects

Information filtered using the parameters will be displayed in the report when executed. If the report is saved as a template or as a published report and is retrieved at a later time, it will only display the filtered information.

Related Process Model

Apply Basic Design

Related Activity

Select Information Sources


To create a standard parameter

  1. Click Report Book.
  2. Click Parameters.
  3. Select Standard Parameters tab.
  4. Click New Parameter if you need to create a new parameter.
  5. Select the Visible check box if you want the parameter to be visible to the end user. If this is not selected you must enter a default value to be used when filtering using this parameter.
  6. Select the Editable checkbox if you want the parameter value to be editable during report processing.
  7. Select the Multi Value check box if you want to enter multiple values for a parameter. Multi value parameters can be used as a condition for a Filter Criteria with operator IN or NOT IN.
  8. The new parameter type will be set to Display Item by default. You can change the parameter type as appropriate. For example, selecting DisplayItem means the parameter is connected to a display Item, selecting StringConstant means this value is based on a string value, selecting NumberConstant means a constant based on a number value, selecting DateConstant means a constant based on a date value.
  9. Enter a name for the parameter.
  10. Enter a prompt text to be used when the report is being ordered in the Prompt Text field. It is used as a guide at the time of entering a parameter value.
  11. Select a value, parameter, context substitution variable or global parameter from the List of Values dialog box for the Default Value, if required.

Note: When a parameter is saved it becomes visible in the Display Parameters pane. By expanding the parameter, it is possible to drag and drop the parameter name, parameter value and any additional display items in to the design sheet.

To create a function parameter

  1. Click Report Book.
  2. Click Parameters.
  3. Select Function Parameters tab.
  4. Click New Parameter if you need to create a new parameter.
  5. Fill the Parameter Name field for the newly created parameter.
  6. Select a Function Id from the available functions. If the Advanced Function check box is not selected, you will only get the available simple functions in the List of Values dialog box. If the Advanced Function check box is selected, you will also get set of advanced functions in the list as well.
  7. Function Argument section will be updated soon after you select the Function Id.
  8. You can also provide suitable values for function arguments. They can be a context substitution variable, other parameter or a direct value.