Set Develop Level


Use the Set Develop Level menu option to create the next develop level for a part. In the process of creating a new revision to releasing the part, the part will go through multiple development levels. Every time the development level is changed, a record is inserted into the journal. The first development level is automatically set according to the entry code DEVELOP_LEV in  Product Basic Data/Default. The current development level is shown in Engineering Part Revision/Revision. As the develop levels are defined by the user, this activity is not used anywhere else in the process models. Where the develop levels are set will be specific, and will depend on which develop levels are configured.


The develop levels must exist in Product Basic Data/Develop Levels.

System Effects


Engineering Part Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Engineering Part Revision/Revision
Product Basic Data/Develop Levels

Product Basic/Default


  1. Select the menu option Set Develop Level.
  2. Select the desired develop level in the list in the dialog box.
  3. Click OK.