Activity Print Technical Specification Report


Use this function to print the Technical Specifiation report. This report provides an overview of the different attributes defined for part(s) specified in the report conditions. This report is available in Landscape format.



System Effects

Technical Specification Report Fields:

Field Group Description
Part Number Heading Part number identifier for the subsequent attributes.
Part Name Heading Part name.
Description Heading Description of part.
Characteristic Class Heading Characteristic class identifier.
Description Heading Characteristic class description.
Number Detail 1 Attribute number identifier, ordered ascending.
Attribute Detail 1 Attribute identifier.
Attribute Description Detail 1 Attribute description.
Value Detail 1 Shows the value of the attribute.
Unit Detail 1 Shows the unit of the value. This field is set to ‘--’ for alphanumeric attributes.


Engineering Part Revision

Related Window Descriptions

Engineering Part Revision


  1. Select your engineering part revision in Engineering Part Revision and use the menu option Reports/Technical Specification or order the report Technical Specification in Info Services
  2. Enter the following parameters according to the description below, then click OK:
Condition Field Value Default Description
Part Number: Mandatory   Specified part number identifier.
Part Name: Optional % Specified part name.
Characteristic Class: Optional % Specified Characteristic class.

NOTE: All conditions must be fulfilled for the products in the report, to avoid specifying conflicting conditions that result in a report with "no data found."