Link Part Revision and Manufacturer Part


Use this activity to link a part revision to one or more manufacturer part numbers. 

Note: Once a link is established, you cannot update the record for the link. You can only delete existing link records and insert new link records. The system will automatically delete link records if the part revision is deleted. 


The manufacturer must be registered as a manufacturer in the IFS/Enterprise, Manufacturer/General tab. Also, a manufacturer part number must exist for the part in the IFS/Part, Part/Part Manufacturer tab.

System Effects

The part revision will be cross-referenced to one or more manufacturer part numbers.


Engineering Part Navigator
Engineering Part Revisions
Part Revisions per Manufacturer Part Number

Related Window Descriptions

Part/ Engineering/Manu Part Revision
Engineering Part Navigator/Manu Part Revision
Engineering Part Revisions/Manu Part Revision
Overview Part Revisions Per Manufacturer Part Number


  1. Create a new record in the table.
  2. If you are using the Part Revisions per Manufacturer Part Numberwindow, in the Part Number field, either enter the part number for the part or select it from the List of Values.
  3. If you using the Part/Engineering/Manu Part Revision tab or Part Revisions per Manufacturer Part Numberwindow, in the Part Revision field, either enter the engineering part revision or select it from the List of Values. 
  4. In the Manufacturer Number field, either enter the manufacturer's ID or select the manufacturer from the List of Values. (Only those manufacturers that have already been entered for the part in the Part/Part Manufacturer tab will appear in the List of Values.)
  5. In the Manufacturer Part Number field, either enter the manufacturer part number or select the part number from the List of Values. (Again, only manufacturer part numbers that have already been entered for the part in the Part/Part Manufacturer tab will appear in the List of Values.) Note that the Preferred Manu (Manufactured) Part and the Approved field values will automatically display. You cannot change these values in this window; instead these values are maintained in the Part/Part Manufacturer tab. 
  6. Save the record.