Create Standard Names


Standard names is used to organize or classify your engineering parts, together with main groups and part classes. The standard name is the lowest sort of classification of engineering parts, below part class and at the top main group. Examples of standard names are: computer, hard disk, relay and fuse. Using standard names give you the opportunity to query out all parts categorized in a standard name to be used in for instance a report. It also gives you a standardized naming of parts preventing you for having several part with almost the same name.

All engineering parts you use in your system must have a standard name, this is mandatory. You can optionally specify translations of the standard name into different languages, by inserting records in the language table. When changing the language you'll see the belonging standard name according to this table.



System Effects

You can connect old and new engineering parts to the new standard name.


Product Basic Data/Std. Name Lang

Related Window Descriptions

Product Basic Data/Std. Name Lang


  1. Create a new standard name by using the new button in the top of the window.
  2. Enter a new standard name (the standard name ID will be generated by the system).
  3. Optionally you can add language translations to the standard name, by inserting records in the table. The language codes are available in the List of Values. You also have to enter the standard name for chosen language.
  4. Save the changes.