Create Product


Use this activity to create the highest level of a new product. This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

A product is used to define the general part itself, and may be linked to a product type and owner, if required. After the product is created, it is connected to a model, which is the basis for the complete product functions. The models and parts connected to the product and not the product itself are designed or built.

First, you define a product in the product catalog, which describes the top level of a product and specifies only the general type of the product. You do this mainly to have a framework for the details of the product, which consist of one or more product models. The next step is to define one or more models. 


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Products and Models
Function Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Products and Model
Function Structure Navigator


To perform this activity in the Products and Models window, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Products and Models window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Selected Product field, enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the product name.
  4. In the Product Description field, enter the description.
  5. If you registered product types in Basic Data, select the product type from the List of Values. 
  6. To enter or change the owner code, use the Owner Code field.
  7. Save the changes.

To perform this activity in the Function Structure Navigator window, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Function Structure Navigator window.
  2. Create a new record in the header.
  3. Select the product name from the List of Values in the Product No field.
  4. In the Model No field, enter the model ID.
  5. In the Model Description field, enter the description.
  6. To specify a top part, select the number from the List of Values in the Top Part No field.
  7. Save the changes.