Add Spare Part to Spare Part List


To add a part to the spare part list for a production part, you can either use the right mouse button menu option Add to Spare List in Engineering Part Revision/Multilevel or you can edit the list directly in Engineering Part Revision/Spare Parts. Engineering Part Revision/Spare Parts shows the spare part list for the selected part. Any defined engineering part can have a spare part list, and any defined engineering part can be used in a spare part list. The spare part list can be copied to the modules IFS/Project Delivery and IFS Maintenance.

The engineering part owning the spare part list is also referred to as the production part.


The production part and the spare part must exist as engineering parts.

System Effects

The specified part is added to the spare part list for the production part.


Engineering Part Revision
Spare Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Engineering Part Revision /Spare Parts
Engineering Part Revision/Multilevel
Spare Parts


There are two ways of adding spare parts to a spare part list: via either Engineering Part Revision/Multilevel or  Engineering Part Revision/Spare Parts.

Engineering Part Revision/Multilevel:

  1. Select a part in the Multilevel tab.
  2. Select Add to Spare List in the menu.
  3. A record is now created in Engineering Part Revision/Spare Parts with quantity set to the value of 1. If the quantity should be different, you can update it at any time.

Engineering Part Revision/Spare Parts:

  1. In a new line, enter the spare part number and revision.
  2. The quantity default is 1, but it can be updated now or later.
  3. Save the spare part record.