Approve Part Definition


Use this activity to approve all project items of a project part revision. If the part revision in IFS/PDM-Configuration is not released, a warning is displayed. If all the doc classes in the document requirement list for the Project Part Definition are represented in the document survey, all the documents in the survey have to be released and then the survey will be locked.

For every project item of the Project Part Definition, a check is performed on the document requirement fulfillment and the document release. Hence, if a document in the document survey is not released during the approval of the Project Part Definition, an error message is displayed. If the Project Part Definition cannot be approved, then the Project Item cannot be approved as well.

All Project items in Defined status are automatically set to status 'Designed' when the Project Part Definition for these project items has been approved.


System Effects


Project Product/Part Definition
Project Part Definitions

Related Window Descriptions

Project Product/Items


  1. Select the project part definition part(s) to approve.
  2. Select the right mouse button option Approve Part Definition.