Create Day Types


Use this activity to define the scheduled working hours, from midnight until midnight, for a day type. A day type is connected to a schedule, which is then connected to a calendar. The final result is that all days in a specific calendar use the same day type.

Work shifts that span midnight, e.g. night shifts, are defined by connecting the schedule's day types to the same period, ending at midnight (the first day type) and starting at midnight (the next day type).


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Day Types, Day Type

Related Window Descriptions

Day Type, Overview Day Type


To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new record. This can be done in either the Day Type window or in the Day Types window. 
  2. Create records for each work time period. This can only be done in the Day Type window.
  3. Save.

If the decision is made to only do this activity in the Day Type window:

  1. In the Day Type window, create a new record.
  2. Enter a name and description for the day type.
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Create a new record in the table.
  5. In the Working Time field, enter the number of working minutes for the day type.
  6. In the Working Periods field, enter the number of working periods for the day type.
  7. Select the Last Period Belongs To Next Day check box to connect the period to the next day, or leave blank to connect it to the current day.
  8. In the From Time field, enter the beginning time for the day type.
  9. In the To Time field, enter the ending time for the day type.
  10. In the Period field, select the period for the day type from the List of Values. The Name field is populated.
  11. Select the Reserved Time check box to define the working period as reserved time, or leave blank to indicate an actual working period.
  12. Save the changes.