Define Discoveries for B2B Contracting


This activity is used to define discoveries to be used from the Business-to-Business (B2B) interface. Discovery codes are used to describe how the fault was discovered. This is useful when a work order or fault report is created to handle troubleshooting and repairs. 


To perform this activity, discoveries must be defined in the Work Order and PM Basic Data window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the selected discoveries are available in the B2B interface when reporting in a work order or creating a fault report.


B2B Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

B2B Basic Data
B2B Basic Data/Discoveries


  1. Open the B2B Basic Data page.
  2. Click the Discoveries tab.
  3. All Data is selected by default. Click Refresh.
  4. Enter a value in the B2B LOV Order field of the discoveries that you want to use in the B2B interface.
  5. Save the record. (F12)