Create Employee


Use this activity to either connect an existing, non maintenance employee to a maintenance organization, or to establish a new (maintenance) employee. You can also enter contact information for the employee such as phone number, e-mail etc as well as specify the maximum resource load.

If you wish to use a supplier as a resource when preparing and reporting in work order, you can establish the supplier as an employee and connect the supplier id to the employee id.

You can also use this activity to change the site and maintenance organization that an employee worked in to another site and maintenance organization within the same company.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, you will be able to assign operation lines to the employee, enter the employee as work leader or work master, report time for the employee etc.


Organization Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Organization Basic Data 
Organization Basic Data/Employees
Change Employee Site


  1. Open the Organization Basic Data window and click the Employees tab. Create a new record (F5). 
  2. In the Signature field, use the List of Values to select a signature. The Employee ID and the Name fields are automatically populated. If you need to enter new information on an employee right-click on the window and click Add Person
  3. The user's default site is displayed in the Site field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value. The List of Values will only display the sites that the user is connected to.
  4. Specify a maintenance organization in the Maint. Org. field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. Specify the availability of the employee's work time for pre planning  in the Maximum Load field. You can enter a value between 0 and 100. For example, assume an employee works 8 hours a day, if the value in the Maximum Load field is set to 50 this means that the employee could be pre planned for 4 hours, i.e., 50% of his work time. 
  6. Enter optional information in the remaining fields.
  7. Save the information (F12).

It is also possible to change the site of an established employee using the steps below:

  1. On the Employees tab, query for the employee (F3) that you want to transfer to another site.
  2. Right click and then click Change Employee Site. The previously defined Site and Maintenance Organization are displayed.
  3. Specify the new site in the Site field. Click List in this field to select another site in the same company to which you want to transfer the employee.
  4. Specify a new maintenance organization on the new site in the Maint. Org. field. Click List in this field to select a suitable maintenance organization.
  5. Click OK.