Select Logical Unit


This activity is used to specify the logical units that will be a part of the Update Company process. 

By default, all logical units that have been selected as Active in the Enterprise/Company/Component Management/Component Registration window  will be a part of the company update. However, this activity makes it possible to specify in detail the exact logical units that should should affect the update. For example, you can make sure that only basic data associated with one or more specific logical units will affect the company to be updated.

Specify the following in the general configuration, in the Ipdate Company dialog box,

Note: You must be careful about specifying conflicting configurations. For example, if you use this activity to specify that only non-account related logical units are active, and you specify that only account-related logical units should affect the update, in the Update Company dialog box, the result will be that no logical units will be affected at all. 


A company must be available, and it must have been decided to add new basic data to that company.

System Effects

The selected Logical Units are those that will be active in the Update Company process. If the selected Logical Units are used or not also depends on how the update has been configured in the Update Company dialog box.



Related Window Descriptions

Update Company
Select LU to Update Company


  1. Find the company to be updated in the Company window.
  2. Right-click and then click Update Company to open the Update Company dialog box.
  3. Click the button Specify Lu that opens the Select Lu to Update Company dialog box.
  4. In the detail window, find the modules and Logical Units to be selected.
  5. Click in the Selected column to select or unselect a Logical Unit. You can also use the Select All or Unselect All buttons and then unselect or select certain Logical Units.
  6. Save the changes.
  7. When you are finished making selections, click OK to return to the Update Company dialog box. The currently saved selections will now apply for the Update Company process.
    Clicking Cancel means that you return to the Update Company dialog without saving any un-posted changes. Previously performed selections still apply.