Define External File Template Details


Use this activity to define external file template details, i.e. detailed definitions of how to interpret an input file or how to write a file line on an output file.

Since a file template is always associated with an external file type, this means that the template details defines how to handle data associated with the available file type columns.

Please note the following:


An external file template header must be available that is not system defined. The file type associated with the file template must also contain accurate definitions of record types and column definitions.

System Effects

The file template detail definitions defines in detail how to interpret a file line during read or how to format a file line during write and the definitions can now be used for processing of input and output files. However the following must be handled first:


External File Template

Related Window Descriptions

External File Template
External File Template - Detail


  1. Go to the Details tab in the External File Template window.
  2. Click New.
  3. Use LOV to view valid record type identities. Select record type identity.
  4. Go to the Column ID field and use LOV to view possible column identities and select the column identity that the detail line applies to.
  5. If the file template is valid for files with string separated columns then Column No must be specified.
    If the file template is valid for files with fixed column positions, then Start Position and End Position fields must be specified.
  6. Specify Oracle date format if the data type of the column is DATE and if the general template date format does not apply.
  7. If the data type of the column is NUMBER then the Denominator column can be used to specify number of decimals in the format 10, 100 etc. The definition will override the general template denominator definition.
  8. Check the Control Column if the value related to this column, together with other control column related values (defined in the same template) should be used to build an unique identity used when performing identity control of a read file line.
  9. Check Hide Column, if this column should not be displayed in the external File Transaction window.
  10. Enter a value in Column Sort if the execution order is not the same as the order of Column No / Start Position.
    This can be necessary for columns having detail column functions.
  11. Enter a value in Max Length, if a control for maximum allowed length of the content for this column should be executed.
  12. Use RMB Function Details to open a dialog where Column Function Details can be specified.
  13. Click Save to store the detail definitions.