Create External File Template From File Type


Use this activity to create an external file template from an external file type definition. This is useful if you need to create a file template with detail definitions for all available record types and the columns of a specific external file type.


At least one external file type must be available that has definitions for record types and column details.

System Effects

The activity results in the following:

To use the template the following must be performed:


External File Templates

Related Window Descriptions

External File Templates
Create File Template From File Type


  1. Open the External File Templates window.
  2. Right-click and then click Create File Template From File Type to launch a dialog box.
  3. If a line in the overview window is selected, then the file type associated with the file template on this line will be suggested by the system. If File Type is empty, click List to view available file types.
  4. Check Only Mandatory Columns if only columns marked as mandatory in the file type definition should be used when creating template detail information.
  5. Supply the identity of the file template to be created.
  6. Supply a description of the new file template.
  7. Click OK to start the create template process.