Enter Coordinator


Use this activity to enter the IDs and names of the persons who are coordinators for various tasks, such as customer orders, distribution orders, and purchase orders. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions

Update Default Coordinator


  1. Open the Coordinators window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Coordinator ID field, select the person to whom you want to assign as a coordinator from the List of Values. The Name and Phone fields are populated.
  4. In the Coordinator Group field, select the coordinator's group from the List of Values.
  5. Optionally, select the Blocked for Use check box to block the coordinator from further use.

Note: If you block a coordinator that is specified as the default value in the Sites per User window, a dialog box appears when you select the Blocked for Use check box. Specify a different coordinator to update the default coordinator ID for all users whose current default value is the one you blocked.

  1. Save the changes.
  2. To change the group of an existing coordinator, search for the coordinator ID and select a different group from the List of Values. Save the changes.