Connect Site to Site Cluster


This activity is used to connect sites to a site cluster. It is not possible to create new sites and connect them to a cluster. Only existing sites can be used for this activity.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, sites will be connected to a site cluster.


Site Cluster

Related Window Descriptions

Site Cluster
Connect Sites to Node


  1. Open the Site Cluster window and search for the site cluster to which you want to connect a site.
  2. Select the root node in the Structure tab, right-click and then click Expand Descendents.
  3. Select the node to which you want to connect a site. Right-click and then click Connect Sites. This opens the Connect Sites to Node dialog box.
  4. Use one of the following methods to specify the sites to be connected.
  1. Click OK once you have entered all the sites you want to connect. You can see the sites that you connected appearing in the graphical object structure in the Structure tab.