Connect Part to Assortment


This activity is used to create new parts and connect them to an assortment or to connect existing parts to an assortment.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions

Create and Connect Parts
Connect Parts


To connect a new part:

  1. Open the Assortment window and search for the assortment to which you want to connect a part.
  2. Select the root node in the Structure tab, right-click and then click Expand Descendents.
  3. Select the node to which you want to connect a part. Right-click and then click Create and Connect Parts. This opens the Create and Connect Parts dialog box.
  4. Click New to create a new line.
  5. Enter an ID for the new part in the Part No field and a description in the Description field.
  6. Enter a unit of measure in the UoM field.
  7. Continue creating new lines to enter as many parts as needed.
  8. Click OK. You can see the part(s) you created appearing in the graphical object structure in the Structure tab.
  9. If you want to define a classification part number for the connected part, click the part in Structure tab. Enter the appropriate value in the Classification Part No field in Node Information tab.
  10. Enter a classification unit of measure in the Classification UoM field. This must have been defined in Units of Measure window. This field has no connection with other units of measure.

To connect an existing part:

  1. Open the Assortment window and search for the assortment to which you want to connect a part.
  2. Select the root node in the Structure tab, right-click and then click Expand Descendents.
  3. Select the node to which you want to connect a part. Right-click and then click Connect Parts. This opens the Connect Parts dialog box.
  4. Use one of the following methods to specify the parts to be connected.
  1. Click OK once you have entered all the parts you want to connect. You can see the parts you connected appearing in the graphical object structure in the Structure tab.
  2. If you want to define a classification part number for the connected part, click the part in Structure tab. Enter the appropriate value in the Classification Part No field in Node Information tab.
  3. Enter a classification unit of measure in the Classification UoM field. This must have been defined in Units of Measure window. This field has no connection with other units of measure