Connect Customers


This activity is used to connect customers to the defined classification standard of the required assortment.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the entered customers will be connected to the classification standard selected for that particular assortment. 


Connect Customers
Customers per Assortment

Related Window Descriptions

Connect Customers
Customers per Assortment 


  1. Open the Assortment window.
  2. Search or enter the required assortment. 
  3. Right-click in the header area and then click Connect Customers. The Connect Customers dialog box will appear.
  4. Click New and enter or search for the required customers. You also have the option to create a new customer using the Zoom function.
  5. If you wish to remove any of the entered customers, click Remove.
  6. If you have completed entering the list of customers of your choice, click OK.
  7. If you wish to see the list of connected customers in that particular assortment, right-click in the header area of the Assortment window, and then click Customers per Assortment. The Customers per Assortment window opens.