Enter Business Activity Header


This window allows you to register business activities for customers, suppliers and business leads. When you save the activity header, an activity number is automatically defined. However, you can manually enter an activity number before saving the header.

Note: The layout of the business activity header depends on the connection type.


A representative must have been entered in the CRM and SRM Basic Data window.

System Effects

This activity has the following system effects:


Business Activity

Related Window Descriptions

Business Activity


To enter a business activity header for a customer, supplier or a business lead:

  1. Open the Business Activity window and create a new record.
  2. If required, enter a specific activity number. If an activity number is not entered, a number will be automatically assigned when you save the record.
  3. Enter a description and a start date and time.
  4. Enter the connection type.
  5. Either enter the short name/number of the customer, supplier or the business lead manually, or indicate by using the List of Values.
  6. If the connection type is customer or supplier, enter the company and the activity type. If the connection type is business lead, company and activity type are optional. 
  7. Optionally, enter priority.
  8. Optionally, if the connection type is customer or supplier, enter the main contact. If the connection type is business lead, enter the lead contact ID.
  9. Enter a calendar item type and activity type.
  10. The representative connected to your user appears automatically as the main representative. Change this value, if required.
  11. Save your changes.

Note: The default status is Not Started but can be changed if needed, via the right mouse button menu. You can create a business activity for customers where the category is Customer, Prospect or End Customer.