Enter Access for CRM and SRM Objects


This activity is used to specify access for a CRM or a SRM object, like for example business opportunity and business activity. The Access tab displays the access settings for the object. When the opportunity or the activity is created, access groups are added according to the settings on CRM and SRM Access. Access can also be defined for individual users on the object. From the overviews it is possible to add access groups to one or several opportunities or activities.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, users or access groups are connected to the object.


Business Opportunity
Business Activity
Marketing Campaign

Related Window Descriptions

Business Opportunity
Business Opportunity/Access
Business Activity
Business Activity/Access
Marketing Campaign
Marketing Campaign/Access
Add Access Group


To add an access group in the object form:

  1. Open the Business Opportunity/Access tab, the Business Activity/Access tab or the Marketing Campaign/Access tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a group ID in the Group ID field. The group description will be retrieved automatically.
  4. Save your changes.

To give a user access to an object in the object form:

  1. Open the Business Opportunity/Access tab, the Business Activity/Access tab or the Marketing Campaign/Access tab.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter a user ID in the User ID field. The name will be automatically retrieved.
  4. Define access by selecting the check boxes.
  5. Save your changes.

To add an access group from an overview window:

  1. Open the Business Opportunities or Business Activities window.
  2. Right-click and then click Add To Access Group. The Add To Access Group dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter access group in the Group ID field. Click List to use the List of Values to find a group or enter it manually. The access group description will be automatically retrieved.
  4. Define whether the access group should be connected to all rows or only to the selected rows.
  5. Confirm by clicking OK.

Note: For business lead activities, access will be inherited from business lead. For business lead campaign activities, access will be set as per the access rights on business lead and campaign. That means for business lead activities and business lead campaign activities, the Access tab is read-only.