Copy Business Opportunity


This activity is used to copy an existing business opportunity header and the information on the tabs.

Right-click on the opportunity header in the Business Opportunity window or Business Opportunities window and click Copy Opportunity. In the Copy Opportunity dialog box, you can specify the parts of the opportunity that should be copied over to the new opportunity.


This activity has no prerequisites.

System Effects

A copy of the business opportunity is created.


Business Opportunity
Business Opportunities

Related Window Descriptions

Business Opportunity
Business Opportunities
Copy Opportunity


  1. Use the Populate or Query function to display the appropriate business opportunity in the Business Opportunity or Business Opportunities window.
  2. Right-click on the upper part of the business opportunity and then click Copy Opportunity.
  3. If the dialog is opened from the navigator, enter values in the Opportunity No and Revision No fields.
  4. Enter values in the Opportunity No and Description fields.
  5. Optionally change the start date and enter other dates.
  6. Select the information you want to copy to the new opportunity.
  7. Confirm by clicking OK.