Repost Customer Ledger Item to Other Identity


This activity is used to change the customer identity of unpaid customer ledger items. This is necessary if several customers are merged to a single identity or if one customer is split into several new customers. When reposting invoice ledger items, you can also change the payer and the deduction group of the reposted invoices, and you can select a new invoice type if needed. Moreover, you can enter notes for both the old and new items to record further information.


This activity requires that customer ledger items in unpaid status exist which are not yet included in an open payment or in a reminder proposal or in an interest proposal.

The user must belong to a user group which is linked to a voucher type of function group B and to the accounting period which includes the voucher date of the reposting.

A payment series ID must be connected to the payment type code for Customer Ledger Item Reposting in Payment Basic Data.

The reposting method in Company/Payment/Posting Parameters must have the applicable value (Reverse/Correction).

The following posting types must be set up in posting control to create the postings for the new ledger items:

System Effects

A voucher of function group B and a payment of payment type Customer Ledger Item Reposting will be created. The ledger items with the old identity will be offset, i.e. get Paid status. For each ledger item which is offset, a new unpaid ledger item with the new customer identity will be created. Moreover,

Note: Entered notes will be attached to the old and new items.


Repost Customer Ledger Item

Related Window Descriptions

Repost Customer Ledger Item
Repost Customer Ledger Items Offset


  1. Open the Repost Customer Ledger Items window and use the Populate or Query function to select the ledger items you want to repost to another customer identity.
  2. Highlight the items you want to repost to another customer identity, righ-click and click Repost to Other Customer and Offset. The Repost Customer Ledger Items - Offset dialog box appears.
  3. Enter the new customer identity in the New Customer field, or select it from the List. Payer and deduction group from the new customer are suggested in the Payer and Deduction Group fields.
  4. Select Keep from the Payer drop-down list if the orginal payer(s) shall be copied to the new invoices. Select New from the Payer drop-down list and enter the needed payer ID if a new payer shall be connected to the new invoices.
  5. Select Keep from the Deduction Group drop-down list if the orginal deduction group(s) shall be connected to the new invoices. Select New from the Deduction Group drop-down list and enter the needed deduction group if a new deduction group shall be connected to the new invoices. You can select New without entering a deduction group if the new invoices shall be created without a deduction group.
  6. Enter or select the invoice type for the new invoices in the New Invoice Type field. If the original invoice type(s) shall be copied to the new invoices, clear the New Invoice Type field.
  7. Enter a character in the New Invoice No Prefix field if the invoices shall get another invoice number after reposting. Clear the New Invoice No Prefix field if the original invoice numbers shall be kept.
  8. Enter a text in the Old Items Note field if you want to record the reason for the reposting in the old items.
  9. Enter a text in the New Items Note field if you want to record the reason for the reposting in the new items.
  10. Modify the voucher date in the Voucher Date field if the reposting shall be on another than the current date which was suggested. The corresponding period appears in the Period field.
  11. Enter another user group or select it from the List in the User Group field if the default user group is not applicable.
  12. Enter another voucher type of fucntion group B or select it from the List in the Voucher Type field if your default voucher type of function group B is not applicable for this reposting.
  13. Click OK to save the reposting: A dialog box gives you information on the created voucher and payment.