Enter Customer Payment Transactions


The Enter Customer Payment Transactions activity is used to enter payment transactions for invoices produced in one or more companies. The cash receiving company can be other than the invoicing company.

The activity can also can be used for entering offsets between invoices and existing payments on account, payment in advance or for entering offsets between invoices and credit invoices.

It is possible to write off customer claims at payment entry if, for example, a customer payment is less than the amount due on the selected invoice. This assumes that Write-off Codes and Write-off Code Limits have been set up.

When you enter  transactions using the transfer account, it is advisable to look at the transfer account balance and distribute it among the correct accounts. The transfer account is a temporary account. You can work on posting of the transfer account, in order to have it be zero (0), in Voucher Entry.


This activity requires that you have registered payment information in the General tab of Customer Payment. Write-off requires that Posting Type PP17 has been set up using Control Type PC4 in IFS/Accounting Rules.

System Effects

When the payment transactions are saved, a voucher is generated to the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules. The voucher belongs to voucher group B and contains postings for customer claims and cash transactions in the companies affected. Currency differences are also posted automatically. Write-off is posted to specified account or accounts as per stated Posting Control.

Note: There is no automatic transfer of funds between the companies concerned. This must be carried out manually by using Voucher Entry. One voucher must be entered in each company concerned.


Customer Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Payment/General
Customer Payment/Transactions


To continue entry of payment transactions:

  1. Click the Transactions tab in the Customer Payment window. The Remaining Amount in Payment Currency field will display the amount left to distribute. (The entire amount is entered in the General tab.)
  2. Enter the company to which the payment refers.
  3. If you want to enter an item for payment or offset, enter the series and number in the Series ID and No fields. The system will automatically populate the Identity field. If only one open installment exists for the invoice, the system will also automatically populate the Installment ID field. When the installment ID displays or you manually enter it, the system will automatically populate the following fields. You can also select the items by right-clicking and clicking Select Batch.
  4. If you want to change the interest and fine amounts, modify the values in the Interest Amount field and Fine Amount field. The suggested values are the amounts specified for the invoice installment.
  5. If you want to enter a parked payment for offset, select the Parked Payment check box and continue as in step 3.
  6. If you want to enter a new payment on account, select the New Payment on Account check box. Enter customer ID in the Identity field, amount in the Amount field and any text in the Text field.
  7. If you want to enter a new parked payment, select the New Payment on Account and Parked Payment check boxes. Enter the amount in the Amount field and any text in the Text field. 
    Note : If the customer is a member of a corporation and uses other payer, and if the corporation uses deduction, the customer is included in a deduction group, and the Payer Identity will be viewed and the Deduction Amount calculated. 
  8. Right-click and click Deductions to view deduction details.
  9. Modify the interest date if required.
  10. To write-off an amount, select a write-off code and a write-off amount. If the selected write-off code does not have send a write-off notice as the default, but you want to send a notice, select the Print Write-off Notice check box.
  11. Click Save to save all the details entered. If there is an amount remaining, postings on transfer accounts are created.
  12. The Message dialog box appears with the details about the created payment and the created voucher. Click OK.