Approve Status Change


This activity is used to approve a status change of a contract change order (CCO). It may be necessary to approve in several stages/statuses of the CCO before approval can completed and activated later for implementation. An approval per status should be defined first in the Contract Change Order/Approvals tab. This approval per status should then be approved before the status of the CCO can be changed.

For each approval per status line it is optional to define an approval routing in Attachments. The steps in this approval routing can be entered manually or be retrieved automatically from thechange type and the respective approval rule in Contract Change Basic Data window. To change the status of the approval per status line to approved all steps in the approval routing should be approved first.


System Effects


Contract Change Order

Related Window Descriptions

Contract Change Order/Approvals
Contract Change Order/History


  1. Open the Contract Change Order window and query for the required CCO.
  2. Click the Approvals tab and select the record to approve.
  3. Click Attachments. You will be able to see the available approval routings if an approval routing is connected to the approval record.
  4. Follow the steps described in the Approve Approval Step activity to approve all the steps.
  5. Once all steps have been approved, go back to the approval in the Approvals tab, right-click and then click Approve. The status of the CCO header can now be changed by selecting the relevant status in the Status menu option.