Define rules for Tools & Facilities


This activity is used to create and manage configuration rules for Tools and Facilities of an execution item template. An execution item template is made possible to register all possible tool alternatives required by the design. A rule can be defined on every tool and facility alternative, by adding appropriate rule conditions and respective actions. These conditions are evaluated and actions are performed based on the configuration criteria inputs later in the configuration phase.


Tools and Facilities should be defined with at least one of the execution items.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a tools & facilities rule will be created and available for evaluation during the configuration process.


Compatible Unit Template Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Template Navigator
Compatible Unit Template Navigator/Tools and Facilities
Configuration Rules - Tools and Facilities


  1. Open the Compatible Unit Template Navigator window.
  2. Search for an existing record.
  3. Select an appropriate execution item template in the navigator.
  4. Click the Tools and Facilities tab.
  5. Enter a new tools and facility record with a Tool/Facility Type and save.
  6. Right-Click and then click Tools and Facilities Rules.
  7. Define appropriate conditions and actions in Configuration Rules - Tools and Facilities window and save.