Connect Execution Item to Compatible Unit Revision


This activity is used to connect execution items to a compatible unit or an execution item. Right click in the navigator to change the status of either one execution item or an entire structure.


A compatible unit or an execution item must exist.

System Effects

An execution item will be created and connected to a compatible unit or an execution item.


Compatible Unit Navigator
Execution Items

Related Window Descriptions

Compatible Unit Navigator
Compatible Unit Navigator/Sub Execution Items
Execution Items


  1. Open the Compatible Unit Navigator window or Execution Items window.
  2. When in Compatible Unit Navigator click the Sub Execution Items tab.
  3. Create a new record and enter a value in Execution Item ID and Directive fields.
  4. When in Execution Items window, also enter a value in CU ID field.
  5. Enter a value in the Project ID field to connect the execution item to a project and hence be able to see estimates for cost elements on the project.
  6. Enter values in other fields as required.
  7. Save the record.