Sales Rule Formula/Formula Item

[About Sales Configurator]

[To Define CTO Basics]


Use this tab to define and maintain the formula elements of the sales rule formula. Each element represents one piece of the mathematical expression that makes up the formula. Elements are defined by their item type. Possible item types are displayed below.

When a sales rule for a configurable part is evaluated as to where the formula is used, the result from the formula will be displayed as a value or will be used in another formula or sales rule evaluation during configuration.

Item Type



A mathematical operator, including the following characters: ( * + - / , ).


A common SQL function used for numeric operations, for example, ROUND, a function to round the value of an expression.


A numeric constant entered into the formula (e.g., 50).

Characteristic Value

The value of a configuration characteristic, from the configuration of the evaluated part.

Characteristic Quantity

The value of a configuration characteristic quantity, from the configuration of the evaluated part.


Other formulas defined for the configuration family can be used within a formula. The return value for the selected formula will be used in the calculation.

Order Info

Different order information from sales quotation or customer order can be used as a value for the formula, (e.g., Sales Quantity).

By placing elements in a sequence, a formula is created to calculate a numeric value to be used as a value to be presented in the configuration or in another sales rule.

The formula can be created using the table with the item types and items or by manually entering the complete formula in the Formula field. When using the formula field to create the formula, the following syntaxes can be used for each item type:

Activity Diagrams

