Schedule/Show Status
Gantt Detail/Schedule Overview

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to view the statistics of the current schedule. The statistics are also represented in graphical form via a chart. You can use the options provided to select the type of graph you want to see. In the Show Status tab, you can click a segment in the chart to view its details. In the Schedule Overview window, the Detail Property Pane lists the details of the whole schedule.

Activity Diagrams





This tab contains:

Total Orders: The total number of shop orders in the system.

Number of Scheduled Orders: The number of orders that are currently scheduled by either by the Scheduling Server or the Advanced Planning Board.

Number of Infinite Scheduled Orders: The number of orders that have been scheduled by the Shop Order Infinite Scheduler.

Unscheduled Orders: The number of orders that are not currently scheduled.

Past-due Orders: The number of orders that have not been reported finished and were scheduled to be finished before the current time.

Past Due Load: The number of processing hours required to complete all the orders that are past due.

Average Queue Time: The average amount of time that all operations must wait in a queue before being processed.

End of Makespan: The finish time of the last operation in the schedule.

Makespan Calendar Days: The number of calendar days from the first scheduled operation to the end of makespan.


Number of Tardy Orders: The number of orders that will be finished after their need date.

Percentage of Tardy Orders: The percentage of orders that are scheduled to finish after their need date compared to all other orders in the system.

Maximum (Days; Hrs:Min): The amount of time between the finish date and need date for the order that is most tardy. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes.

Avg of Tardy Orders: The average amount of time between the finish date and need date for all orders that are tardy.

Avg of Scheduled Orders: The average amount of tardiness for all orders.

Tardy Load: The number of processing hours required to complete all the orders that are tardy.


Number of Early/On-Time Orders: The number of orders that are scheduled and will be completed on or before their need date.

Percentage of Early/On-Time Orders: The percentage of orders that are scheduled to finish on or before their need date compared to all other orders in the system.

Maximum (Days; Hrs:Min): The amount of time between the finish date and need date for the order that is most early. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes.

Avg of Early/On-Time Orders: The average amount of time between the finish date and need date for all orders that are early.

Avg of Scheduled Orders: The average amount of earliness for all orders.

Select Graph:

Status Pie/Schedule Performance: Select this option to display a pie chart of the status of the orders.

Tardy Orders: Select this option to display a bar chart showing the number of tardy orders for each time range.

Early Orders: Select this option to display a bar chart showing the number of early orders for each time range.

Scheduled Orders: Select this option to display a bar chart showing both the early and the tardy orders. The bar chart shows the number of orders that fall into each time period group along the x-axis. The time periods range from early to on-time to tardy.

Order Status Distribution (Schedule Overview tab only): Click this to display a pie chart representing the percentage of orders in each status.