Schedule/Show Early Ontime

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to view a table listing all early and on-time orders, along with statistics for each early one. To view the status window for a specific shop order in this list, double-click that order in the table. You can create a selection list for multiple orders by holding down Shift or Control key and selecting the orders. Then, with the items selected, right-click and then click Show to create a List of Objects. If you want to plot these items, drag the top bar of the List of Objects into the Gantt chart. To perform other operations on this selection, such as scheduling or unscheduling, right-click the top bar and select the appropriate right mouse button options.

Activity  Diagrams





This window contains:

Name: The name of the shop order.

Part No: The identification number of the part that this order produces.

Quantity Due: The quantity of parts that this order is scheduled to produce.

Need Date: The date and time by which this order needs to be finished.

Finish Date: The last date and time that operations related to this order are scheduled to finish.

Earliness: The amount of time between when the order is finished and its need date. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes. 

Lead Time: The amount of time between the start time and finish time for the order. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes.

Productive LT: The productive lead time, or actual working time required to complete this order. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes.

Productive LT Factor: The productive lead time divided by the lead time. This value is expressed in days, hours, and minutes.

Order Earliness Chart: A bar chart that shows the number of orders that fall into each time period group along the x-axis. The time periods range from earliest to on time.