Update Planned Cost from Supplier Price


This activity is used to enable the update of the engineering register material procurement list (ERMPL) planned costs based on supplier price. The latest price changes from the supplier can always be updated on the ERMPL, by this activity.


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Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Project Navigator or the Project window, and search for the project for which the cost should be updated. Alternatively on the Activity window, search for the required activity. Click on the Demand/ERMPL tab. Alternatively, simply open the ERMPL window.
  2. Select a demand line, right-click, point to Update Planned Cost and then click Update from Supplier Price. Observe that the cost elements and total planned cost are updated with the latest supplier price. Further, the Design Obj. CE Updated check box on this window/tab will be cleared, if it was previously selected indicating that the planned cost for the design object has not been synchronized with the latest ERMPL cost details that appeared after the update. Perform the Update Design Object Planned Cost from ERMPL activity to do so.