Create Process Data Cross Reference


This activity is used to define a cross reference attribute scheme. This cross-reference enables the automatic notification of process data changes between objects that have a valid process object relation. For example, when a Process Stream object is set as a Process Object to a Pump object, it will trigger and notify the process data value differences on the Pump Object, when the Process Stream data is changed. These process data changes could then be copied or ignored by the relevant objects, which in turn switches off the notification. 

The inheritance applies between two classes - Consumer and Producer. Attributes in different classes sharing the same name are generally cross-referred. This can be simplified by selecting the Copy All Attributes option. Attributes in different classes with different names are mapped manually, one at a time.

By not defining attributes for either class, a dummy cross-reference can be created where the process change is shown but changed process data cannot be copied in.


System Effects

A cross reference attribute scheme is created,


Cross Reference Between Attributes

Related Window Descriptions

Cross Reference Between Attributes


Use the following procedure to define attributes for cross copying, one at a time:

  1. Open the Cross Reference Between Attributes window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, enter the name of the standard for which cross reference data is being defined. Use the List of Values to select a suitable standard. The standard of the default plant if defined in the User Settings dialog box, will be displayed by default. 
  4. In the Consumer Class field, enter the name of the class to which the attribute value will be inherited. Use the List of Values to select a suitable class.
  5. In the Consumer Attribute field, enter the name of the attribute to which the value should be inherited. Use the List of Values to select a suitable class.
  6. In the Class Relation Description field, enter the description of the class relation which when created or updated for related objects, attributes will be inherited. The only valid relation is the process data relation. Select the class relation description from the List of Values.
  7. In the Producer Class field, enter the name of the Class from which the attribute values should be inherited. Use the List of Values to select a suitable class.
  8. In the Producer Attribute field, enter the name of the attribute from which the value should be inherited. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  9. Click Save.

Use the following procedure to copy all attributes for classes:

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 of the previous exercise.
  2. Enter required classes in the Consumer Class and Producer Class fields. Use the List of Values to select suitable classes.
  3. Select the Copy All Equal Attributes check box to enable all equally named attributes to be inherited from the producer class to the consumer class. This is a simplified way to copy all relevant attributes instead of having to define an attribute copy for each individual attribute when the attribute naming convention is the same for both producer and consumer classes.
  4. Click Save.

Use the following procedure to create dummy cross-reference records that do not copy changed process data:

  1. Repeat steps 1 -2 of the previous exercise. Note: Do not define attributes for either class.
  2. In the Class Relation Description field, enter the description of the class relation which when created or updated for related objects, attributes will be inherited. The only valid relation is the process data relation. Select the class relation description from the List of Values.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 1-4 to create another dummy cross-reference record.