
[To Define System Basics]


This window is used to get an overview over all registered Calendars. In the Calendars window you can also register Calendar headers. You can also create a new Calendar in the Calendar window, where you handle the details of a Calendar. You can go from the Calendars window to the Calendar detail window via the right mouse button

When a calendar is defined, it has to be generated to work properly. This is done via a right mouse button on the header. The calendar generation is done as a background job and can be monitored in General / Background Jobs. Only one Calendar can be generated at a time. If the generation is successful, the state of the Calendar is set to Generated. Please note that a calendar generation affects the components that are using that calendar. This might have a huge impact on stored data and should be done with real care.

To explore the result of the calendar generation you use right mouse button Generated Calendar Analysis.

Activity Diagrams

Create calendar


Create calendar
Generate calendar