Personnel Requisition / Job Candidates

[About Planned Personnel Requisition, About Confirmed Personnel Requisition, About Approved Personnel Requisition, About Rejected Personnel Requisition] [Recruitment]


Use this tab window to define the recruitment details regarding job candidates verified for selected Personnel Requisition Numbers. The Job Candidates tab window cannot be reached if the Request Status is Prepared or Rejected.

The system generates an appointment letter inviting the applicant to join the company under conditions defined in the letter. The system also generates a declining letter for applicants who do not meet the requirements or did not pass the selection process.

The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:

Note: The system provides a number of document templates you can use for different activities in the recruitment process such as an Invitation for Selection, a Job Candidate Appointment letter, and a Job Declining Candidate letter. You define when the different documents should be used, and you can also modify the templates or create your own document templates using the Word Template Definition window.

Activity Diagrams

Prepare Personnel Requisition
Approve Personnel Requisition
Plan Recruitment Process
Select Candidate